Monday, July 27, 2015

Puppy school vol 3.

Today was the third common school day for pups. This time Nemo, Milo and Kaya attending. Our coach has raised the standards but I think we managed quite well J

We had bases of heelwork, recall, sit and stay, rounding the cone and playing with own pup while all the others also in the field (concentration). Had a lot of fun!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Pepi ("Sheldon") posing

Handsome little guy!


We had a great herding day with five puppies; Jekku, Pepi, Kaya, Milo and Nemo (from left to right). 

First there was a theory session, then only handlers at the sheep and finally puppies. Neither of the pups were afraid of the sheep. Jekku and Pepi needed some time to think what this is about. Milo, Nemo and Kaya went right away towards sheep and got them moving. Very promising start, couple of training sessions still this summer, then break.

Kaya is definitely already turned on by the sheep. This picture tells you all about this little girl's attitude.

Play time

Monday, July 13, 2015

Tracking and gunshots

Today it was Milo, Nemo and Kaya doing tracking. Milo showed excellent concentration, he lifted his nose only couple of times during the around 50 meters track. After good start Nemo was bothered by the new harness and started to roll on the ground :) Kaya pulled me through the track with lot of speed leaving all the goodies behind.

Afterwards Milo and Kaya went to listen gunshots. Two shots while pups were playing with us. They stopped to listen but continued to play right after. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

School day

Dani, Milo, Nemo and Kaya attended Pia Miettinen's "puppyschool". Puppies were so excited and eager to work with their owners, it was great to watch. Pups are all quite lively but still good concentration. We received very good and useful tips how to proceed. Next session already booked J

Monday, July 6, 2015

Puppies 4 months









Tracking again :)

Today Dani, Nemo and Kaya went tracking. Glad to see how pups are developing and enjoying!