Today tracking with Milo, Dani and Kaya. We chose a big field where we laid three tracks, about 40 to 60 meters long with articles (stick) at the middle and at the end of the track. While waiting the tracks to age we went to listen gunshots. We had fourth person to fire the gun and went in a good distance from the shooter. This time not playing with the pups but giving them treats. All three did mark the sound, moved their ears or glanced at the shooter. However continued eating, so far so good :) Next time we come few steps closer to the shooter.
Tracks were run one by one. Even though others were waiting at the background the one tracking concentrated only on his work and was not distracted. Articles were marked but not necessarily picked up, at least Kaya does not do that. She is too eager to move on.
Pups seems to love this sport. I think it reinforces their self-confidence as in this venue dog is in charge, leads the way and handler keeps quiet. Do they realize that they are using skill that far exceeds our own :)